Apply to SGA

SGA Executive Cabinet

Hello! Thanks for your interest in serving as an elected official on Delta State’s Student Government Association! Please make sure to read over the qualifications, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each position. If you have any questions, reach out to

The Executive Cabinet shall administer the daily affairs of the SGA and enact and enforce all statutes passed by the Student Senate. All members shall be vested with the powers of their respective roles as outlined by the Constitution and shall execute their roles in accordance with the stipulations of the Constitution.

SGA Elected Positions and Duties

General Overall Qualifications:

  • Good standing with the University
  • A cumulative grade point average indicated within each position
  • A full-time and enrolled student at Delta State University
  • Candidates must be able to hold a year long term (i.e. no graduation/placement away from University in middle of term)




  • Must at least be a junior next fall [2024]
  • Must have served on the SGA Cabinet for one Academic Year, and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA


  • Make appointments to all positions, commissions, committees, and departments as required by the Constitution.
  • Hold regular weekly SGA Cabinet Meetings
  • Attend the University President’s weekly Cabinet Meetings
  • To serve as chief executive officer of the SGA and responsibly exercise all executive authority of the student government.
  • To send and veto message to the Senate within fourteen days of Senate passage of the measure.
  • To prepare, with the consent of the Treasurer, a budget of any funds under the authority of the Student Government that are not included in the budget authorized by the President of the University.

Vice President


  • Must at least be a junior next fall [2024] and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Must have served on any branch of SGA for one Academic Semester and attended at least five Senate Meetings


  • Serve as President of the Senate/has the power and duty to appoint chairpersons and members to all Senate committees.
  • Must insure that the Constitution and the Election Code remain current and available for the public inspection.
  • Must insure that the Senate is appropriately filled according to the Constitutional requirements.
  • To perform any other duties by the SGA President in accordance with scope of the President’s authority as outlined in the Constitution.



  • Must at least be a sophomore next fall [2024] and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Must have attended five SGA Cabinet Meetings


  • Must prepare monthly financial statements of all SGA accounts.
  • Advise the Cabinet and Senate as to the financial feasibility of a proposed program or activity.
  • Must retrieve Budget reports before every weekly meeting.
  • Must keep accurate minutes of the Cabinet and Senate meetings.
  • Must ensure all SGA Cabinet meeting minutes are uploaded to the Delta State University website under the SGA page.
  • Must ensure that all SGA records are properly filed and cared for.
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the President’s authority as outlined in the Constitution.

Attorney General


  • Must at least be a junior next fall [2024] and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Must have attended five SGA Cabinet Meetings


  • Serve as Commissioner of Homecoming and SGA elections.
  • To ensure that any proposed legislation does not conflict with existing statutes, and if a conflict exists, to inform the Senate
  • Insure all legislation passed by Senate is carried through proper Constitutional procedures until it is signed into law or disapproved.
  • To perform any other duties by the SGA President in accordance with scope of the President’s authority as outlined in the Constitution.

Chief Justice


  • Must at least be a junior next fall [2024] and have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Must have served on the Student Court for one Academic Semester or have attended two Student Court meetings.


  • Uphold the dignity of Student Court.
  • Preside over all meetings and hearings of the Student Court
  • Insure proper conduct among members of the Court.
  • Appoint Justices to the Court.
  • Preside over any SGA impeachment trial.

SGA Executive Cabinet Form of Intent

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SGA Appointed Cabinet

Please read and review the following criteria necessary to be considered for the office of SGA Cabinet for the 2024-2025 academic year at Delta State University.


  1. Nominees must be enrolled as a full-time student in the current Spring 2024 semester.
  2. Nominees must have and maintain a 3.0 grade point average at the time of appointment and must be maintained throughout the duration of the member’s term.


Once appointed, all members shall attend transition meetings with the previous cabinet until the installment of the new cabinet.

  1. Members shall attend a Cabinet Retreat over the summer break, to take place on Delta State’s campus.
  2. Members are expected to attend the weekly cabinet meetings and must meet an 80% attendance rate each semester.
  3. Members shall work at least three (3) hours in the designated SGA office per week. The exact number of hours required for each member is subject to vary depending on the member’s position.
  4. Members are expected to volunteer for and attend all Student Government sponsored events.
  5. Members shall perform any duties that the Student Government President assigns in accordance with the scope of the President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.


Chief of Staff

The SGA Chief of Staff is responsible for informing the student body of any legislative proceedings, which may affect the university.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • To organize the legislative day at the Capitol each spring semester;
  • To ensure all members of the Student Government Association are completing their SGA Cabinet requirements each week;
  • To assist other SGA Cabinet members in their roles; and
  • To oversee the appointment of Freshman Rise members and preside over Freshman Rise meetings.

Director of Spirit and Traditions

The SGA Director of Spirit and Traditions is responsible for organizing and promoting spirit and the traditions associated with the university.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • To plan Homecoming Week Festivities;
  • To plan SpringFest with the assistance of The Office of Student Life;
  • To organize the Miss DSU and DSU Most Beautiful Pageant’s;
  • To oversee the coordination and direction of the DSU Pageant Board in conjunction with the Staff Director;
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the SGA President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.

Director of Public Relations

The SGA Director of Public Relations is responsible for publicizing all events sponsored by the Student Government Association and to establish good rapport with the public at large.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • To manage all SGA social media accounts;
  • To manage the Remind system;
  • To ensure all promotional materials are submitted into Okrabytes and Greenscreens;
  • To correspond with the Office of Communications and Marketing for any graphic materials needed for marketing;
  • To correspond with Okra Express for any printing services needed for marketing;
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the SGA President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.

Director of Engagement and Advocacy and International Affairs

The SGA Director of Engagement and Advocacy and International Affairs (previously Director of DEI and Director of International Affairs) shall work to bring unity among all cultures on campus by providing culturally diverse activities.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • To promote diversity with regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, race, and religion;
  • To promote awareness and inclusion of Delta State University’s international students;
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the SGA President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.

Director of Athletic Affairs

The SGA Director of Athletic Affairs works with the Delta State Athletic Department to bring awareness to the student body about all athletic events and coordinate events pertaining to athletics.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • To bring awareness to the student body about all athletic events;
  • To coordinate events pertaining to athletics;
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the SGA President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.

Director of The Big Green Event

The SGA Director of The Big Green Event will be responsible for planning the Big Green Event each spring semester.

The duties and privileges of this position shall be as follows:

  • May form a committee of diverse students at the start of the fall semester to reach out to the community for sponsorships and projects;
  • To plan and organize the Big Green Event each spring semester;
  • To plan and organize the Small Green Event each fall semester;
  • To perform any other duties assigned by the SGA President in accordance with the scope of the SGA President’s authority as outlined in this Constitution.

SGA Appointed Cabinet Application

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SGA Student Senate

The Student Senate makes up the legislative branch of the Student Government Association. Senators are appointed by the SGA Vice President to create a Student Senate that is representative of all areas of Delta State University’s student population. The SGA Vice President presides over the Student Senate. Tackling issues like Residence Hall visitation, cafeteria quality, and other student issues, the Student Senate is a very distinguishing and rewarding way to make a difference on campus.

Please read and review the following criteria necessary to be considered for the office of Senator for the 2024-2025 academic year at Delta State University.

Qualifications for the offices of Student Senators:

  1. Nominees must be at least enrolled as a full-time freshman student in the current Fall 2024 semester.
  2. Nominees must have and maintain a 2.5 grade point average at the time of election and must be maintained throughout the duration of the Senator’s term.

With any questions or concerns, contact the SGA Vice President at

SGA Student Senate Application

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SGA Student Court

The Student Court is charged with the interpretation of the Delta State University SGA Constitution with the disposition of the Chief Justice. Student Court conducts hearings and reach decisions on student parking appeals along with hearing cases dealing with impeachment proceedings.

Please read and review the following criteria necessary to be considered for the office of Court Justice for the 2024-2025 academic year at Delta State University.

Qualifications for the offices of Court Justices:

  1. All Justices, at the time of their installation, must be full-time students with an overall 2.50 cumulative GPA.
  2. All Justices must have completed at least twelve semester hours at Delta State. A transfer student not on academic probation may serve.
  3. All Justices must be classified as seniors, juniors, or sophomores. A freshman in their second semester may serve with the approval of the Chief Justice. Classification shall be determined by credit hours.

With any questions or concerns, contact the SGA Chief Justice at

SGA Student Court Application

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